A Refreshing Attitude

Experience and Skill

We handle personal injury cases: cases involving vehicle collisions (car and other accidents) of all kinds, premises liability cases (slip or trip and fall and other cases where a person was injured because of a dangerous condition on the property), and other personal injury cases. We also handle cases that result in death (wrongful death cases), and injuries of all kinds. Dave Cloutier is a Lifetime Member of the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum and the Million Dollar Advocates Forum (The Top Trial Lawyers in America™) which requires for membership proof of successful results for individual clients in the multi-million dollar range.


Help is Here

If you were injured or lost a loved one, or are not sure if you have the kind of case we handle, call us or request a free consultation online [link to contact us]. If you have the kind of case we may be able to help with, we can provide you a free consultation during which we will analyze your situation, inform you about important considerations, answer your questions, and discuss your options. There are no fees or obligations, and your inquiry is kept confidential. If we cannot help you, we can usually provide you with helpful information, steer you in the right direction, or make a referral to a lawyer who specializes in the area you need.


All consultations with us are:

  • free
  • never involve any pressure or “hard sell”
  • confidential (we do not disclose anything about your consultation without your permission)
  • designed to provide you with analysis and information
  • designed to analyze how much time you have to act (legal deadlines that apply)
  • an opportunity to have your questions answered, by an attorney
  • concluded by providing you with options and the pros and cons of each option

Find out What We Do.